Monday - Friday / 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Closed Most Major Holidays

197 Dunn Station Road
Prosperity, PA 15329
(724) 627-5511
Fax: (724) 852-1764
If you or someone you know is experiencing a Mental Health Emergency, the 24-hour Mental Health Crisis Hotline number is 1-800-417-9460. You may also call 911 for Mental Health Emergencies.
Peer Support Services
eer Support offers unique support in emergency, outpatient or inpatient mental health treatment settings, linking you with a Peer Support Specialist. A Peer Support Specialist is a person living with a mental illness who provides mentoring, guidance and support services and offers their skills to others who are experiencing psychiatric disabilities and receiving mental health services. A Peer Support Specialist provides encouragement, information and an understanding voice. We help our peers create and follow a plan for their own recovery. We also offer our experience to help our peers discover the many resources available to them as they recover.
What Can Peer Support Services Offer You?
Peer Support can offer hope and support through trying times.
A Peer Specialist's personal success can inspire hope in another person in their own recovery.
Peer Support can advocate for the person when the person struggles to advocate for themselves.
Peer Support can educate the individual about wellness and other issues, such as how symptoms can affect one's lifestyle.
Peer Support can offer support and encouragement for the person to make their own choices.
Peer Support assists an individual in planning for the time when symptoms may return and helps enable the individual to maintain a progressive path to recovery.
Who Is Eligible for Peer Support Services?
Anyone 18 years or older and a resident of Greene County
Presence or history of serious mental illness including schizophrenia, major mood disorder, psychotic disorder NOS, schizoaffective disorder or borderline personality disorder
Other diagnoses may be approved by the managed care organization under the exception process but persons must meet all other criteria
Moderate to severe functional impairment from a mental illness that affects one or more of the environmental roles: Living, Learning, Working and Social
The person must themselves choose to participate
An interested person can self-refer to Greene Arc, Inc. Peer Support Services. They can also be referred by:
- A Family Member
- A Caseworker
- A Mental Health Therapist
- A Psychologist or Psychiatrist
- A Nurse Practitioner
- A Medical Doctor
- Any Hospitalization Program
- If you were recently hospitalized and will be
leaving the hospital, the staff can refer you
A referral can then be reviewed and a written recommendation must be signed by a Licensed Healing Arts Practitioner, which includes the following:
- Psychologist
- Physician
- Physician's Assistant OR
- Certified Registered Nurse Practitioner
Peer Support currently serves 42 individuals.
Peer Support Services
197 Dunn Station Road
Prosperity, PA 15329
Phone: (724) 627-7079 / Fax: (724) 627-7082