Monday - Friday / 8:00 am to 4:00 pm
Closed Most Major Holidays

197 Dunn Station Road
Prosperity, PA 15329
(724) 627-5511
Fax: (724) 852-1764
What Is Greene Arc?
uilding upon years of service to the community, Greene Arc, Inc. has proven its ability to
impact the lives of its participants. We are dedicated to developing quality programming for our individuals with developmental disabilities and their families. Greene Arc, Inc. plays a vital role in providing the programs and services to assist individuals in the community.
Founded by a small group of concerned parents in 1967, the consumer-driven organization continues to grow in scope and commitment as the largest provider of human services for individuals with special needs in Greene County. Headquartered in Prosperity, PA, Greene Arc, Inc. is a chapter of the Arc of the United States and the Arc of Pennsylvania.
Greene Arc is a private, non-profit agency that provides Vocational, Residential, Day Support and Advocacy Services to individuals with disabilities. Nearly 65 staff members work daily to serve more than 100 adults and family members throughout Greene, as well as
neighboring counties. These professional staff members are complemented by a group of volunteers who work with clients and serve as board members and advisors to the program. It is estimated that three percent of our population have some level of intellectual or developmental disabilities. For Greene County, that translates to over 1,200 individuals who are likely in need of services.
The Arc is the largest advocacy organization in the United States for citizens with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their families.